Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Some important term of MOTION.

  Kinematics is study of motion 

DISTANCE(path length): it is defined as covering of actual path of body from initial point to finish point.

It is scalar quantity.

Distance can't zero(it's magnitude can be zero).

DISPLACEMENT: it is defined as vector distance (shortest distance) from final point to initial point of an object.

It is vector quantity.

Scalar quantity: it has only magnitude and followed simple arithmetic mathematics  operation.

Vector quantity: it has magnitude with direction and followed vector law.

Note:Distance =Displacement,if body travel in 1-D dimension at one direction (+ve or-ve).

*Motion along 1-D is also called rectilinear motion.

SPEED: it is defined as rate of coverage of distance.


VELOCITY: It is defined as rate of change in Displacement.


ACCELERATION: rate of change in velocity with respect to time.


*Deceleration is decreasing rate of velocity (-ve of acceleration)

Average: it is defined as rate of change of measurement (displacement, acceleration, velocity etc) of certain interval of time.(it is for comparing larger time)

Instantaneous: it is defined as change of fram in instead time or for very short interval of time.(lim to zero).

Relative term : it is relationship between two variables of measurement.

Uniform: if object cover equal measurement in equal interval of time then it indicates that body is in uniform.(motion, acceleration, velocity)

Non- Uniform: if object cover variables measurement in equal interval of time to time.

What is equation

Equation is relationship between two or more variables.

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