Tuesday, April 4, 2023


What is Rest and motion

MOTION is change of position of object with respect to time.

A body is said to be rest if it's position doesn't change with respect to time.

Rest and motion is relative term it is defined as a view of observer. A specific body can be rest or in motion with respect to by taking different reference of observer.

Defination of position: it is a fix stationary state at which a body is situated at a instead of time.

Observer: it is a viewer of object (in experiment) in a specific condition to denote it's state.
FORCE is term by which we can change or try to change state(position)of object with respect to time.

TIME is combination of fram on which we can observe, beyond it we can't comment on it.

Body is made up of matter
         Matter is something which occupied space and it has a certain volume in it.

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